MDABP:A Novel Approach to Detect Cross-Architecture IoT Malware Based on PaaS
- 时间:: 2023-03-13
- 作者:: Yang Zhao, Alifu Kuerban
- URL:: Sensors | Free Full-Text | MDABP: A Novel Approach to Detect Cross-Architecture IoT Malware Based on PaaS
- DOI:: 10.3390/s23063060
- pdf链接:: MDABP_2023_Zhao_Kuerban
- zotero链接:: Local library
- 标签:: #动态分析
pdf:基于人工智能的物联网恶意代码检测综述_2023_刘奇旭 et al
With the development of internet technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been widely used in several aspects of human life. However, IoT devices are becoming more vulnerable to malware attacks due to their limited computational resources and the manufacturers’ inability to update the firmware on time. As IoT devices are increasing rapidly, their security must classify malicious software accurately; however, current IoT malware classification methods cannot detect cross-architecture IoT malware using system calls in a particular operating system as the only class of dynamic features. To address these issues, this paper proposes an IoT malware detection approach based on PaaS (Platform as a Service), which detects cross-architecture IoT malware by intercepting system calls generated by virtual machines in the host operating system acting as dynamic features and using the K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classification model. A comprehensive evaluation using a 1719 sample dataset containing ARM and X86-32 architectures demonstrated that MDABP achieves 97.18% average accuracy and a 99.01% recall rate in detecting samples in an Executable and Linkable Format (ELF). Compared with the best cross-architecture detection method that uses network traffic as a unique type of dynamic feature with an accuracy of 94.5%, practical results reveal that our method uses fewer features and has higher accuracy.
名词:: MDABP
an IoT malware detection approach based on Platform as a Service
名词:: KVM:基于内核的虚拟机
Kernel-based Virtual Machine
名词:: PssS:平台即服务
Platform as a Service
名词:: VMI是什么:虚拟机自省技术
VM introspection
3.1 概述